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Sunday Weekly
These are in a general order of importance but don't have to be done in this exact order.
Change icon to check mark when it's done and let me know on chat.
John 3
Sermons - We talked about how on /sermons the option where you choose no video, youtube, embed code or self hosted was new on both videos and both audios. Rather than keep working around that not being set why don't we add a function at line 22 of ezchurch/index.php to loop through all /sermons and check both sermon videos and both audios and set the options as needed? That way we do it one time and it's updated on all sites so backward compatibility is no longer an issue. I've had issues where a client added a youtube link then changed to a embed code. The site was showing both because the single sermon page wasn't checking the youtube or embed option.
This is now done. I've set the function as instructed above. I've also set it so that it will only update the video/audio type when the meta for it for each sermon doesn't exist yet on the database. Priority for the value is as follows:
for video:
1.) youtube/vimeo url
2.) embed code video
3.) self hosted
4.) no video
for audio:
1.) uploaded mp3
2.) direct link to audio file
3.) embed code
4.) no audio
Is this done or did we remove it on the last update?
Sorry, I totally forgot about this. I've re-added the code back now and had it run on cron. The cron is set to be scheduled to run 10 minutes after the plugin has been updated.
I had to remove it to get the update working. With it wp disables the plugin when it updates so this is not going to work. Can we have it run on the first visit after the update? Maybe have it set an option when it gets done. Or maybe add it so that we can run it manually be going to site.com?sermon=update or something like that. Then I can set the update script to hit that page after each site is updated. Not sure open to suggestions.
I've updated it now so it would run by visiting site.com?sermon=update
I tested this and it doesn't seem to be working. It may be updating the field but the dropdown options on the sermon page still shows no video and no audio.
Also has anything change or anything hooking into updating a sermon? I'm having more and more people tell me the update button isn't working. I've never experienced it myself but there are too many people having the problem to totally dismiss it. It may not be sermon related. The same people report the same sort of issue with the prayer wall system.
If there is still no value to the field, but there is value to the video, then it probably isn't updating. I've done some minor adjustments to the sermon update code now, hopefully that would fix that. For the update button, we didn't really do any changes to the backend of post types, except for events but that hasn't been uploaded yet. it could be a connection issue though as WP disables the button sometimes if not all scripts have been loaded, or could be a bug with other plugins we have on the sites.
Member directory - What would it take to add the option for churches to add fields? For example we don't have a wedding anniversary field. What would it take to give them the option to add it in the existing member directory? Are we talking a few hours or days to complete this?
This will depend on the complexity. If there will be a prebuilt list where users can just pick the extra fields that they want, then we can probably have that in a day or two. but if we allow them to create custom fields, then it will take weeks I think.
Member directory - I'm thinking a complete rebuild of this system may be in order. I never was all that happy with the code. For one it doesn't use standard wordpress users. So that makes it impossible to use with membership systems to create member's only areas. We also need a way to import members and a way to contact members. As it is there's no way to email members for example. I would hope to see some sort of upgrade path or maybe a completely new plugin that could import members from the old member directory plugin. Look it over and give me an estimate on how long it would take. I know it's hard to be exact just looking for an idea of the time so I can decide when to start this.
I think we don't really need to recreate the whole plugin from scratch as that may take a lot of time to complete (a month or two). we can just improve it. for starters, we can create a code that connects the current member posts to an actual user in WP, and update the methods of handling the users data (logging in, edit profile, password change, etc.) that would then follow WP standards. And then we can proceed with the other features you mentioned. We can do the first part of this for a week or less.
Can you give me more detail on how that would work? How would it effect existing member logins logins for example? Would the data be stored in the user profile or in the custom post type like it is now? Just trying to wrap my head around how exactly it would work and how it would effect current users.
Data related to login will be stored on the WP user profile, while data that will be for display will be on the custom post type. The user will have a meta which points to the custom post type which will set the relationship of the two.
So to add a new member first you would need to add a new member at members > add new then add a member as a user at users > add new and select the member you created in the members custom post type?
We can also make that dynamic so you only need to create a user in WP, and it will automatically create a member in the custom post type. we can also make that work for deleting users.
So you create the wp user it creates a member in the member post type. Then you edit the member post type to add the rest of the information? Or will all the info be added in the member profile? Or maybe do it the other way round and create a member in the members post type an a wp user is automatically created for the member. That could work. Right?
Yes either way could work.
Events - Add ical feed so our /calendar can be used to add events to a google /calendar.
I've done implementing the ical feed. you just need to add ?feed=church-events-ical to the homepage url to download the ics feed file. For this dev site its http://churchdev.com/dev/junix/?feed=church-events-ical
Events - Add option for multiple nth days for example "worship team practices 1st and 3rd Thursday every month"
I think best method to implement this is via a repeater field, but just want to ask you first if that is what you want. Also, I'd like to know which fields you want to repeat: Nth, Day of week, and Month, do we need to repeat these three fields or only just the Nth field? If its only the Nth field, then maybe we can just make the field as a multiple select field? Also I need to update the function that updates the next schedule meta for this right?
I think it's only needed on the Nth option. You'll have to be really careful about making changes to the fields. All the code has to be backward compatible. But a multi select field for the month would work. We just either have to check for a single month selection as the field is now or do like we did on /sermons and update all events with nth set and set it to just that one month or what ever it's set to now. Just so events that were added before the change still work correctly. That's assuming the way the field is accessed will change. Yes any change to events will require a change in the next date function at churchdev-events/includes/functions.php line 46 - 640.
I've done recreating the function for getting the list of events for the /calendar and updating the sc_event_next_date_time meta for all events. I made it so that the code logic for the two are separated and it will be easier to modify later on.
For the actual task, I've set the nth field to be a multiple select field, so users can select multiple values. I've also updated the display functions of all event modules and the function for the default template for this. I've also included the logic for the fifth nth value.
Events - Add option to select months event happens on so say an event happens every other month for example.
I've added a Every Other Month and Specific Months option to the recurring field. I've also added a new field to select multiple specific months, which will only show up when specific months option is selected. but I haven't updated the next schedule update function for this yet. I'll work on that once the related task above is clarified.
Still working on adding the logic for this.
Please test and retest the events. The logic you're rewriting also updates the recurring events via cron. So it's very important all this works correctly. Of all the changes this one makes me the most uneasy 🙁
I've done adding code logic for the two new recurring types. Both is now working for the /calendar and next schedule update function. I've also compared the output from the old and new codes for all recurring types and the output is the same on all my tests for both /calendar and update.
Events - Add nth option for 5th Sunday. The event only occurs on months that have a 5th Sunday.
I've done adding the fifth option to the Nth field, but I haven't updated the next schedule update function for this yet. I'll work on that once the related task above is clarified.
I've done adding the logic for this on both the /calendar list and update functions. Not all days will have a fifth count and PHP gets the next date on the next month, so I added code to make sure this will be excluded.
Events - When you click an event on the /calendar make the /calendar on the single event page show the date clicked. As it is now it shows the next date. For example if it happens every Wednesday it'll show on the /calendar every Wednesday. But the single event page will show the next date. So for example right now the single event page would show 7/11/2018 because that's the next Wednesday. But if you're looking at the /calendar and click on the same event but on date 7/25/2018 it's confusing that the single event page says 7/11/2018 when you just clicked on it from 7/25/2018. Maybe just add the date to a query string on the /calendar. Then have the single event template and module look for that first and if not found use the next date.
This is now done. Only the single event template module needs to be updated as the default template doesn't really display the date of the event, only how it recurs and is just included in it. (e.g. every four weeks. Next date July 28, 2018). I've also improved the recurring text on the single event module so it will say the same as the one on the template.
prayer wall - on the prayer wall when someone submits a prayer request they are sent an email with a link that allows them to make their prayer answered or delete the prayer request. As it is the links go to the prayer wall page itself because that's the only page that looks for the query strings that do this. prayer.php line 247. Because of this we have to know the link to the prayer wall page to build the link so we ask for it on the prayer wall settings page. It would be better if this was global so we don't need to know the link to the prayer wall page at all.
This is now done. I've added code on prayer.php to handle the email actions globally (on any page in the site). It will still use the same url parameters, and only the page url is changed. I've changed the email urls so it will now be the homepage. Here's a sample working url which will mark the prayer as answered http://churchdev.com/dev/junix/?cd_eml=test@test.com&cd_id=2743&cd_act=ans You may need to view this on an incognito window at first as browser cache is not always cleared. Once link is opened, it will show a message on the top right of the screen, which will then fade after 5 seconds or when closed.
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